Views and ideas to guide your path forward
Articles, blogs, webinars and videos featuring the latest thinking from herronpalmer

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Read our combined recap of ADP MoTM featuring the POVs of industry analyst Pete A. Tiliakos’ and HR transformation advisor, Julie Fernandez.
Wondering what to expect from Alight Solutions spinoff of its Payroll and HCM Professional Services business? herronpalmer has the insights into benefits and HCM (Payroll, HR) to help you understand the details.
Global HR and payroll are becoming more common as workforces become more dispersed. But it’s a big challenge without the right resources. Learn what you need.
Revolutionary thinkers with real experience: Providing strategic advice and practical support to the people who run the people side of business. Learn more >
Your advocate in transformations and transitions: Supporting HR, payroll and benefits professionals who insist on taking smart, decisive action. Learn more >
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